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1/12/2025, 1:27:51 AM 星期日
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Corona Cero’s Relaxation Clause Brings a Fresh Perspective to Athlete Partnerships

Relaxation is now a key deliverable in Corona’s relationship with athletes including Gabriel Medina, Evie Richards, Tatiana Weston Webb, Marco Grimalt, Tatjana Smith and Mariana Pajón

Brazilian surfer Gabriel Medina signs the Relaxation Clause (Photo: Business Wire)

British cyclist Evie Richards signs the Relaxation Clause (Photo: Business Wire)

Brazilian surfer Tatiana Weston Webb signs the Relaxation Clause (Photo: Business Wire)

(Graphic: Business Wire)

Colombian BMX cyclist Mariana Pajón signs the Relaxation Clause (Photo: Business Wire)

Chilean volleyball player Marco Grimalt sings the Relaxation Clause (Photo: Business Wire)

South African swimmer Tatjana Smith signs the Relaxation Clause (Photo: Business Wire)

Viral photo of Brazilian surfer Gabriel Medina (Photo: Business Wire)

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