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Sisvel Announces Its Appointment as Licensing Administrator of Wilus’ Wi-Fi 6 Patent Portfolio


Sisvel International S.A. (“Sisvel”) announced today its appointment as licensing administrator of the Wi-Fi 6 patent portfolio originated by Wilus Inc. (“Wilus”), a R&D company based in South Korea.

Increased average throughput per user and increased number of concurrent users in high density scenarios (offices, campuses, airports, stadiums, etc.) are among the main benefits of Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) when compared to Wi-Fi 5. Extended wireless range, longer battery life and coexistence with legacy Wi-Fi devices are also important features of this latest Wi-Fi generation. Such significant technical improvements are enabled through the addition of more than 40 core features: the innovations covered by the Wilus’ Wi-Fi 6 patent portfolio contribute to about 90% of them.

“At Wilus we are constantly developing advanced standards technologies for enabling and enhancing wireless connectivity and immersive multi-media services. We are striving to contribute technically to the evolution of ICT standards with our own innovation” states Jin Sam Kwak, Wilus’ CEO.

“Wilus’ technical expertise is outstanding, on par with much larger innovative organisations, and we are pleased to have them among our patent owners” says Mattia Fogliacco, President of Sisvel International. Sisvel’s Wi-Fi Program Manager, Andrea Rombolà, states “Sisvel realises the quality of the Wilus Wi-Fi 6 patent portfolio and pledges to support Wilus so as they can continue their contribution to the innovation ecosystem. We plan to do this by generating a return from the innovations contained in their patent portfolio, so to fund the next generation of innovations to the benefit of society as a whole.”

Sisvel is making Wilus’ valuable portfolio accessible on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, by offering a royalty-bearing, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exclusive license, with no right to grant sublicenses, under Wilus’ patent portfolio essential to the 802.11ax specification.

Further information about the terms and conditions of this license offer is available on Sisvel’s website https://www.sisvel.com/licensing-programs/wireless-communications/wifi6/wilus-portfolio/introduction. For more details you may contact Sisvel at the following e-mail address WiFi6-Licensing@sisvel.com.

About Sisvel  
Sisvel International S.A. is the holding company of the Sisvel Group. Sisvel is a world leader in fostering innovation and managing IP. The group identifies, evaluates and maximises the value of IP assets for its partners around the world, providing firms with a revenue stream which can be reinvested in innovation for the generation of future revenues. Sisvel has more than 35 years’ experience in the management of successful patent portfolios, including those relating to audio compression standards (MP3 and MPEG audio), as well as broadcasting and digital terrestrial television standards maintained by the Digital Video Broadcasting Project. Sisvel operates patent pools and joint licensing programmes in the fields of mobile communication, wireless local area networking 802.11, video coding, digital video broadcasting, recommendation engines and broadband access to data networks.  

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220331005081/en/


Media Contact Sisvel Group  
Giulia Dini  
Communications Manager  
Tel: +34 93 131 5570  

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